Firoze Shakir

Firoze Shakir's Firoze Shakir PhotographerNo1

287000 images of Mumbai culture , rituals , photography,
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I learnt more about life through my camera than through books

Updated 6 Years Ago

I Learnt More About Life Through My Camera Than Through Books
posted at FB Fake stories I could never cook Its only original content that I post On Flickr Twitter You Tube Facebook What I see of life led by people on the streets I use my camera as a sketchbook.. misery cavorting with hope at every corner every nook I am ashamed to look.. The child and the guardian begging at the traffic signal beggars only productivity is children.. the child is a commodity to get a child a drunk father will sleep with his own prepubescent daughter brother will sleep with the sister the entire system of this tribal beggars who live in flocks is based on incest . I studied them with my camera for 7 years at Bandra Waterfield Road Turner road signal.. Once the child was born it became a precious commodity barely 3 or 4 day old it would be hired to another family for 8 hours but first it was drugged with cough syrup than the child would be carried in a cloth hammock by another half naked child and beg at the Bandra Traffic signals to gain more sympathy the older child would pinch the toddler to get sympathy from cars auto ricksha passengers . I shot this serial of life for many years I was threatned by the parents including the goons of the beggar mafia but I continued till the rich diamond shops had them removed from the Turner road signal. Most of the kids copulated on the rocks at Bandstand Carter road marriages were not necessary the new born kid bought in good money. This will be continued later ,,,
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