Thampy Koshy

Thampy Koshy's Rollingstone Revelations - Koshy's Blog

A place where I share my experience, opinions and encourage

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  • Updated 4 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Rollingstone Revelations - Koshy's Blog

ONDC - Big Bang moment for eCommerce
  The universe after the Big Bang evolved and is still evolving continuously. Not as a centrally controlled and managed process. But, as an ......
4 Months Ago
Redefining Customer Acquisition Cost in Open Network.
  Whenever a new product or service is launched in the market, the product manager often plans for triggers like incentives, free samples an......
5 Months Ago
Who is your Mentor ?
  Mentor is a person who can make a significant impact on your career or on your company, drawing on the expertise and experience that perso......
5 Months Ago
Implementing ONDC - A Journey
  Standing on the shoulders of giants… I read somewhere that in the early nineties when India attempted computerisation of the banking sec......
6 Months Ago
Drivers of Customer Service in ONDC
  Introduction In the prevailing model of eCommerce, the same entity provides end-to-end solution as a market place which manages both cus......
2 Years Ago
Enabling a Paradigm Shift in Social Protection through BECKN
Delivery of social protection measures is a big challenge to any government; especially in a developing country.   Social protection program......
4 Years Ago