Amartya Talukdar

Amartya Talukdar's Bengali Women

every thing about bengali women

  • Rated1.6/ 5
  • Updated 12 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Bengali Women

Woman and Society
“When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krsna, the women of the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrsni, comes unwanted progeny.” – Bhagavad-G...
12 Years Ago
Tips to Simplify Our Spending
Bengalis are known for an intellectual bent of mind and are known to live life on values and ideals. Money has been important in Bengali society , but is not considered to be everything in life. Sa…...
12 Years Ago
Alpana is another name for a type of rangoli. The ancient Mohen-jo-daro and Harappan civilizations also had Alpana. The word ‘Alpana’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘Oalanpeen’…...
12 Years Ago
Ululation (Ulu)
Ululation is found in some singing techniques and ritual situations.  Ululation is also widely practiced in southern and eastern parts of India. People, especially women roll their tongues and prod...
12 Years Ago
Sun-screne Cream
Fair Skin is very much valued by bengali women , but it comes at a price:- Doctors are particularly worried about the abuse of creams that contain a potent steroid called clobetasol or a bleaching …...
12 Years Ago
People who are involved in sewing should be aware of the types of needles that exists.There are different kinds of needles available in market. needle no-7 needle no-8 needle no-9 needle no-17 need…...
12 Years Ago