Say I love you..
“Do you love me?” I asked with great expectations, looking into his eyes. He turned his face away and pretended to be busy with something. I knew the answer anyways..he loves me ofcours…...
8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
This long blog post is full of rants about first world problems of a working mom of infant..and about a beautiful realization It was a particularly bad day. Maid was on planned leave and babysitter…...
8 Years Ago
Mommy guilt
Ever been a mom? Then you know what I am talking about It started when I was expecting. I used to receive 10 instructions daily about what not to do; sometimes even from well meaning and concerned …...
8 Years Ago
The journey of parenting
Its truly said that parenting is the most challenging thing you will ever do in your life. Partially that is because even with your utmost diligence, you can never be sure if you are doing it right…...
8 Years Ago
How useless is a mobile!
All the kids these days are obsessed about mobile phones and other gadgets. (Well, slightly less than us adults!) My son, since he was 4 months old, tried to grab my mobile whenever he got chance. ...
8 Years Ago