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AIKYA Foundation

Presence in: Chennai
Founder: Parvathy Viswanath


AIKYA runs an Early Intervention Centre, special school, vocation training centre, work centre for persons with Autism, ADHD and Learning Disabilities.

AIKYA has made awareness films, published books on these subjects. Actively involved in creating jobs for them and has a placement cell.


Disability - Intellectual

AIKYA is non profit dedicated to the educational and traing needs of children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome and Learning Disabilities.

The mission of AIKYA is to advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Special needs. AIKYA envisions a world in which all people with special needs have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations, and become valued members of welcoming communities.


Intellectual Disability is the most stigmatised disorder and these children are the most neglected community amd the marginalised group. Majority of them would improve with early identification and training and can become contributing members of the society.

AIKYA would do well with sponsorship/financial support for education and training of these children. Income genearting programmes for young adults and their parents.

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									<p><b>Activity: </b>AIKYA  runs an  Early Intervention Centre, special school, vocation training centre, work centre for persons with Autism, ADHD and Learning Disabilities.

AIKYA has made awareness films, published books on these subjects. Actively involved in creating jobs for them and  has a placement cell.</p><p><b>Details: </b>Intellectual Disability is the most stigmatised disorder and these children are the most neglected community amd the marginalised group. They can not speak themselves for their rights. AIKYA constantly works towards their rights for the last 2 decades.</p><p><b>Support: </b>Disability - Intellectual

AIKYA is non profit dedicated to the educational and traing needs of children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome  and Learning Disabilities.

The mission of AIKYA is to advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Special needs. AIKYA envisions a world in which all people with special needs have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations, and become valued members of welcoming communities. 
</p><p><b>Note: </b>Intellectual Disability is the most stigmatised disorder and these children are the most neglected community amd the marginalised group. Majority of  them would improve with early identification and training and can become contributing members of the society.

AIKYA would do well with sponsorship/financial support for education and training of these children. Income genearting  programmes for young adults and their parents.</p><p>This post is a part of BlogAdda's Bloggers Social Responsibility  (BSR) initiative. I am exercising my BSR. You can too with three simple steps. Visit  and support the NGO's.</p>	

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