Ajit Oke's In Tale

In Tale... anything is possible

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 6 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from In Tale

Competing for color space
Competing for color space
...everything is possible...
6 Months Ago
I am quite amazed to learn that in the US, shoulders are overrated. And I don't mean the cow's shoulders (which may as well be). I mean the ......
10 Months Ago
Some chits here, some chits there. L'il notes scattered and lost forever. Some scribbling of mediocre writing. Letters uttered that meant re......
1 Year Ago
A Stinky Joke
Joke of the day as told by my son (guess he made it on his own and not just quoted) Q: How much money did the skunk spend at the mall? A......
4 Years Ago
The Home and the World
"I am willing," he said, "to serve my country; but my worship I reserve for Right which is far greater than my country. To worship my coun......
6 Years Ago
Haikus stuck in traffic
Standstill traffic Only one moves Illegally; wrong way. Sea of cars as I brace for the next pothole I negotiate Through the honk......
8 Years Ago