My Interests

  • Since I Love To Write,
  • Reading Is A Favourite Hobby. I Love Movies And Music - So Pretty Routine Interests. Love Traveling,
  • Have A Love Of Languages And Anything That Helps Me Communicate Better With People. ,


From Chennai       |       Birthday August 10
About Me I've been blogging for nearly two years now. Its been a great experience. I write about diverse things. Anything that catches my fancy and which people can relate to. By nature I am passionate, aggressive and determined. So you may find that my writing style mirrors that! Here's hoping that you will visit my blog, read and enjoy my writing.

My Blog(s)

When The Muse Strikes I am a hopeful author, waiting in the wings. I am using my blog space to warm up and connect with readers. I write just about anything which catches my interest and try to be witty and droll in style.
Last Updated on: 4 Years Ago
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