The Material Girls's The Material Girls

Two girls and two heads full of frazillion D.I.Y ideas

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  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Material Girls

10 Easy Styling Tips For Flowers
10 Easy Styling Tips For Flowers If you really look around, the world is full of vases begging for the company of flowers. Look below and you’ll find ten unusual flower vases that you might otherwis...
8 Years Ago
Earring Aid
Earring Aid You know how certain songs remind you of people? Or maybe, a particular time in your life? Well, we had a pair of earrings that we seem to associate with the happiest of times; holidays, a...
9 Years Ago
Spin A Yarn
Spin A Yarn A DIY yarn necklace took up 20 minutes of our Saturday. We used shells, thread and a mindless manner of spinning to create this masterpiece. It feels good to call your own work a......
9 Years Ago
The End Of Bad Hair Days
The End Of Bad Hair Days Growing up with rough, frizzy South Indian hair was like having a brat child stuck to the top your head. One that refused to sit down. So naturally, we named our hair......
9 Years Ago
The ‘dori’ story
The ‘dori’ story Some weeks back we made DIY tassel earrings in dull gold and our first B&W post. Being unnaturally obsessed with recycling and reusing, we used a dull gold blouse ‘dori’ to cr...
9 Years Ago
This and more
This and more Today’s post is a quick compilation of some of our DIY ideas over the years. We regularly update a feed of ‘unseen’ photos on our Instagram profile. Seen above is a Kalamkari pocke...
9 Years Ago