Radhika Haralalka's The Flavor Carousel

A blog that aims to spread happiness through food.

  • Rated2.0/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Flavor Carousel

Goan Vegetable Curry with Coconut and Rice
Goan Vegetable Curry with Coconut and Rice
This is one of my all time favorite dishes. It can be eaten as a complete meal by itself - we often make it for Sunday lunches at home! The......
7 Years Ago
(Real Adults Eat Dessert First) Or A Recipe for Panna Cotta
(Real Adults Eat Dessert First) Or A Recipe for Panna Cotta
I still cannot believe that panna cotta can be this easy to make. Seriously, someone pinch me. R loves panna cotta and orders it whene......
7 Years Ago
Eating Out in New York
Eating Out in New York
I don’t know what to call NYC in foodie terms. Do I call it the city of the gourmand (because I eat way beyond what is normally considered......
9 Years Ago
Recent Favorites
Recent Favorites
Nowadays, I spend 10 times the amount of time I spent in the kitchen one year ago, as living on my own has compelled me to cook at least on......
9 Years Ago
Melt Bakery, NYC
Melt Bakery, NYC
Imagine walking down the streets of Chinatown on a hot New York summer day. The heat is blistering and the sun (the same one you wished fo......
9 Years Ago
New Orleans, USA: beautiful porches, balconies and beignets!
New Orleans, USA: beautiful porches, balconies and beignets!
New Orleans, located in the southern state of Louisiana, is a major port in the States and had been established by the French. I went there......
9 Years Ago