Haimanti Chakraborty's Left, Write, Left

Mostly left… somewhat right…

  • Rated1.7/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Left, Write, Left

The Feeling of Being ‘Mediocre’
The Feeling of Being ‘Mediocre’
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” (Albert Einstein) As you grow up and start becoming more aware of yourself, your mind finds a lot of visitors! One such thought …...
5 Years Ago
The Complicated Society and the Role of Social Media
The Complicated Society and the Role of Social Media
Social Media in today’s world is something which I feel even an elementary student can describe elaborately. We have been living a virtual life, for quite sometime with social media gradually…...
6 Years Ago
Guy on the Sidewalk - A Review
“Life has a plan for each of us; we may not understand the whys on our journey but every event is meaningful nonetheless.” ― Ken Poirot In this age, when words like skepticism and cynicism rule ...
8 Years Ago
Urban Shots: Bright Lights - The Review
Looking after a baby 24/7 is a gruelling task and a lot of things, which were previously an integral part of your life, are affected. For me reading is one such thing which has been adversely affec…...
12 Years Ago
Eve-Teasing - The Social Malady
Keenan Santos and Reuben Fernandez have become household names recently, though sadly after their untimely demise at the hands of some rowdy goons. In a tragic incident on 20th October, these two y…...
12 Years Ago
On Working after Motherhood
On Working after Motherhood
When I was a kid I used to tell my Mom that when I have my own kids, I’ll quit working, unlike you. The feeling was strong and always came out with some sense of negativity. I used to add tha…...
12 Years Ago