Janaki's Beyond The Familiar

It is a general blog and the main aim is to highlight issues
and problems that plague our society at large.

  • Rated2.0/ 5
  • Updated 3 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Beyond The Familiar

Brave Inked Emotions: Practical Tips To Wade Through Everyday Emotional Battles
Brave Inked Emotions: Practical Tips To Wade Through Everyday Emotional Battles
This book makes you feel that you are not alone; there are many out there battling similar situations. While it makes you feel heard, it also takes you a step further to give you solutions that wor…...
3 Months Ago
The Journey, The Scars, The Lessons…
The Journey, The Scars, The Lessons…
Each one of us has a past, but as we move on in life, unknown to us we transform for the better or otherwise to the extent that over a period of time, we fail to recognize our true self from who we…...
4 Months Ago
Being the “Good Girl” is Not So Good After All!
Being the “Good Girl” is Not So Good After All!
Are you someone who never wants to hurt others? Do you always put “others” first? Do you find it difficult to decline an invitation even though you are terribly exhausted? Hello, “…...
4 Months Ago
Parenting a Single Child: Why Does the Society Have a Problem With This?
Parenting a Single Child: Why Does the Society Have a Problem With This?
Having a child is a very private decision between the husband and the wife. I believe that they have valid reasons to stop at one. No one else should be allowed to have a say in this....
5 Months Ago
Awkward Questions Women Are Asked: When Will it Ever Stop?
Awkward Questions Women Are Asked: When Will it Ever Stop?
In India, right from birth to the last day of your life, you have to face awkward questions. Times have changed, technology has advanced but these questions don’t seem to go away....
5 Months Ago
Education and Employment: Are there Gaps to be Filled?
Education and Employment: Are there Gaps to be Filled?
How many among us who are employed can claim that it has a direct link to their education? Read on…...
5 Months Ago