My Interests

  • Photography,
  • Blogging,
  • Poetry,
  • Haiku,
  • Nature,

Abou Jaynth Busi

From Guntur       |       Birthday June 15
About Me Haha ! fun loving brat ! dont you people know about me ?? am an "idiot, stupid"(according to a girl)... "cool, witty"(according to my best friend) and i dont know what my relatives think of me....... I care every idiot that passes by me. Hate caste feeling..... Loves nature and writing virus. Hates money worms !! Finally am me thats it.

My Blog(s)

My Experiences In Life This blog is my first ever of its kind varying from poetry to technology, from real time experiences to dreams. judge me :)
Last Updated on: 11 Months Ago
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Photographer's Lost Camera This is my blog which showcases what im really from the heart..
Last Updated on: 2 Years Ago
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