Kiran Manral's Thirtysixandcounting

When middle age hits. Weight becomes stubborn. Wrinkles
deepen and angst overrides. And shopping and eating become
one's only solace.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Thirtysixandcounting

This blog has now officially been shut down
It has been a good run. I began from 36 and counting and now am at 43 and counting. And rather tired of counting. And blogging. And have nothing much to say of any relevance, but then when did I ev…...
9 Years Ago
A getaway in the hills
A getaway in the hills
Last week, a group of writers and I were part of the Te Aroha Literature Studio Writer’s Retreat in Dhanachuli, near Mukteshwar. There will be more written about the discussions and the learn…...
9 Years Ago
Cleaning up the culture of littering
The blog has seen a hiatus of sorts for quite sometime, a little intentional, a little because I really had nothing to say and was all out of words and needed to catch my breath a bit and get my wo…...
9 Years Ago
About influencers and social media
About influencers and social media
Some weeks ago, the very wonderful Anaggh Desai (@anaggh on twitter and the God of all he surveys on social media) sent across a mail inviting me to be part of a discussion on Influencers at Social…...
9 Years Ago