Parth Joshi

Parth Joshi's Travel, Travails And Heck...

for all the meanderings that come unto an empty head

  • Rated1.4/ 5
  • Updated 3 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Travel, Travails And Heck...

Rolling hills... - travel, travails and heck...
Rolling hills... - travel, travails and heck...
One always yearns for rolling hills, perhaps it is that seeming infinite or the symmetry.. musing on mountains, hiking in the #Himalaya 🏔️...
3 Months Ago
Redstarts and a family frenzy - travel, travails and heck...
Redstarts and a family frenzy - travel, travails and heck...
Musing on the breeding season frenzies of black redstarts, flycatchers that migrate to high-altitude Himalaya 🏔️, Markha Valley, Ladakh 🇮🇳...
3 Months Ago
Deserts and a night ponder…  - travel, travails and heck...
Deserts and a night ponder…  - travel, travails and heck...
Deserts, embodying deep time, and contradictions in the contrast between day and night... musing on deserts, a walk up to Mount Sinai, Egypt...
4 Months Ago
Marmots and their dreamy domain… - travel, travails and heck...
Marmots and their dreamy domain… - travel, travails and heck...
One could say marmots live on hope, embarking on their long hibernations… musing on a long-tailed marmot, Markha valley, Ladakh 🇮🇳...
4 Months Ago
Redshank and its ruminative rummage…  - travel, travails and heck...
Redshank and its ruminative rummage…  - travel, travails and heck...
Waders have a life of contrast, traversing continents only to ferret in shallow ponds... musing on a common redshank, Sambhar, Rajasthan 🇮🇳...
4 Months Ago
Flux down the mountain… - travel, travails and heck...
Flux down the mountain… - travel, travails and heck...
Amidst high mountains, the flux of flowing water contrasts with nature's slow rhythms, offering solace... hiking in the Himalaya 🏔️...
5 Months Ago