Sayan Ghosh

Sayan Ghosh's The Palace Of Conception Is Burning

A quasi-technical blog where I ramble about some things
technical and other things not so technical!!

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Palace Of Conception Is Burning

Setting up a new Oracle XE instance on Microsoft Azure IaaS
Azure comes with a lot of pre-built goodness, Virtual Machine templates in the gallery being one of them. Oracle VMs in the Azure VM gallery are a great way to get started. Oracle and Microsoft hav…...
8 Years Ago
VBA code to set the topmost cell active across all sheets in Excel
To get rid of annoying Excel save of scroll position during save across sheets. This is more of a personal reference – anyone else who knows Excel anyway knows this bit! Option Explicit Sub A…...
12 Years Ago
Happy New Year 2012, everyone!
Happy New Year 2012, everyone!...
12 Years Ago
This one is for Steve
This one is for Steve
Paying tribute to the last rock star of Tech!...
12 Years Ago
A funny business case of social computing for business
A funny business case of social computing for business
Nice way to put the point across!...
12 Years Ago
How to find out BizTalk edition
A quick and nice way to ascertain the edition of BizTalk version installed on a server. Have used the registry option and it seems to be working fine. Didn’t need to query the DB, but that sh…...
13 Years Ago