Sakshi K's After Break Up...

A blog from a girl with broken heart....Trying to move on!

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 10 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from After Break Up...

Falling In Love...
If you see me walking with someone else,  It's not because I want to! It's because you weren't brave enough to walk by me... If you see me ......
10 Years Ago
I Cannot Hate You...
I Cannot Hate You...
Just Because You Left Me, Doesn't Mean I Would Hate You!! He asked me...How can you love me even after I left you??? And I hav......
10 Years Ago
Life Sucks....
I have been trying to move on and was slowly succeeding but I donno what god has in store for me....God brought him back in my life again!!......
10 Years Ago
Expect Less From Others and More From Yourself!!!
The day I stopped expecting from him...My expectations from myself grew!! And I must tell you...Its one of the best things to do!! We e......
10 Years Ago
Silly, Stupid Me!!!
Today, I woke up with a Smile on my face after almost three months!!! :-) At first I thought Awesome climate... But you know climate is a......
10 Years Ago