Bindu TG's B Log

You can find simple everyday incidents logged in here with
humor and sarcasm. Versatile, wide rage of topics and some
still photography

  • Rated3.6/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from B Log

Never judge a book by its cover
At the rickshaw stand this morning, I approached a free rickshaw for hire. He readily agreed to the place I mentioned. This is shocking beca......
5 Years Ago
Visual treat
Visual treat
Summer in Bangalore is a visual treat. Though it brings heat, the array of colors from the city's blooming trees brings a refreshing coolnes......
6 Years Ago
Facebook Data Breach
Facebook Data Breach
These last couple of days has been all about data breach scandal at Facebook. If you haven't heard about it yet; then probably you are livin......
6 Years Ago
My Aurora Borealis experience in Norway
My Aurora Borealis experience in Norway
Those mystical greenish dance of lights, an enigmatic natural phenomenon occurring in the northern hemisphere are comparable to none. Havin......
6 Years Ago
What does money mean to you
What does money mean to you
A friend asked me this - What does money mean to you? I didn't have an immediate answer. Money - the great manipulative tool invented by man......
6 Years Ago
Over fridge magnets
Over fridge magnets
All of us have that one trigger point that would get us into a conversation. That topic that breaks the ice and lets even the shyest person ......
6 Years Ago