Nirbhay A

Nirbhay A's Cynically.engineered

Life, as seen through the eyes of a cynical engineer.

  • Rated1.8/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Cynically.engineered

Bits and Pieces
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. Although I have a good excuse, I apologize profusely for neglecting this blog. Thanks for being patient, guys. That said, after a short and sweet work …...
11 Years Ago
On Egalitarianism and Male Feminists
So, this is something that comes up over and over. I think pretty much all of us have met at least one person who has said something like, “I believe in equality but I am not a feminist”…...
12 Years Ago
About Laziness, Seat-Belts and Meaningless Crap
About Laziness, Seat-Belts and Meaningless Crap
  We’re driving around in my car, a colleague and I. You know the drill. Random shop talk, traffic noises and…weird beeping sounds? “Did you clear that docu I was talking abo…...
12 Years Ago
Talking about sex in India: Why is it so damned hard?
Talking about sex in India: Why is it so damned hard?
Okay, I’ll admit that heading isn’t entirely accurate. Talking about sex isn’t hard in India – at least it isn’t if you’re youngish and male. What I really wante…...
12 Years Ago
Guess Who’s Back!
Guess Who’s Back!
So yeah, you read that right. I’m back! Ta da! *crickets* Ahem…To any of my wonderful readers loyal enough to be reading this, I offer my humblest apologies. This comeback took way long…...
12 Years Ago
So This Is It For Now!
I know some people would find this a wee bit shocking, but I have decided to take a break from blogging. Why? Well, it’s a time thing. I’ve just got far too much on my plate right now t…...
12 Years Ago