Faye Monteiro's Adventures Of An Ardent Artist

Music is my life and soul and also my career. Having worked
as a journalist, my adventures in life beckon to share their
brain-stimulating and positive experience on this blog.

  • Rated3.3/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Adventures Of An Ardent Artist

With great Power comes great Responsibility
Yea, I'm a fan of superhero films. The life of an opera singer (in training) is nothing less short of a superhero character. Here's what it......
11 Years Ago
\"I do, too\" said the woodland creature
About a year ago, I decided to spend the rest of this amazing life with a wonderful man. Needless to say, it has been the best decision eve......
11 Years Ago
Learning a language
Liebe Freunde, Anyone can learn a new language if one has the motivation and well, the money. (Without the first, the second is useless)......
11 Years Ago
Of tunes that pop out of nowhere
The topic for my first post arises from a thought that always enchants me: How do particular tunes stick in our heads and arise in our min......
11 Years Ago