Gomathi Reddy's Gomathi Reddy

My blog at WordPress is my white board for expressing, all
those that affect me – personal, business, politics,
spirituality and the universe – and how I manage to fit
into these.

  • Rated2.2/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Gomathi Reddy

Congratulations! You’re a Star!
Congratulations! You’re a Star!
Are you getting ready for watching your next reality TV show? How does it feel…if you were on the show, part naked, part blurting out truths about your life, part yourself or part whatever… E…...
8 Years Ago
We Are Idiots
We Are Idiots
There are 3 kinds of people – the 3 kinds of idiots this society is filled with. Idiot Kind # 1: If you are this type, then life is a long train of boogie-woogie bogies, and “ignorance&…...
8 Years Ago
Rights And Wrongs
Rights And Wrongs
My son often thinks that my little efforts to share thoughts on what should change in this society are in vain. He sincerely tells me to just mind my own business and not worry about the world, …...
8 Years Ago
Go Hi 5
Go Hi 5
Isn’t this thing called “happiness” overrated – Just like her companion – “Passion?” At best both are just fleeting moments of a few endorphins clouding yo…...
8 Years Ago
We Are Like That Only
We Are Like That Only
A few days back, there was this call asking me for my PayTm wallet details. My alarm bells were ringing – This must be a hacker/spammer, it screamed. Then I calmed down. Actually I get into t…...
8 Years Ago
It doesn’t matter anymore
It doesn’t matter anymore
We are here, because of our interactions – forced, subtle, vociferous, natural, calming or whatever – with all those individual pieces of that PhotoShopped collage that we call life. W…...
8 Years Ago