Jasmine Khurana

My Interests

  • Writing,
  • Travelling,
  • Musing And Mulling!,

Jasmine Khurana

From Navi Mumbai       |       Birthday December 11
About Me Once upon a time, a poised lecturer and a graceful academic administrator. Now, a hyper mother, a geeky content writer and an impulsive and compulsive blogger. Lest I forget, a wife who quickly grabs any intelligent and innovative reason to throw a fit. Madly in love with all those who can put up with my idiosyncrasies ;-)

My Blog(s)

Frills That Tug On My Heartstrings Life has dished out a lavish spread. Some being savoured, some taken with a pinch of salt. Motherhood, academician, administrator, wife, daughter. Myriad roles that have gone into making what I am.
Last Updated on: 7 Years Ago
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