Manjusha Pandey

My Interests

  • Writing,
  • Blogging,
  • Movies,
  • Photography,
  • Fashion,

Manjusha Pandey

From Mumbai       |       Birthday September 23
About Me Writing is indeed the best form of express.... And I realised it the day I thought of penning down my thoughts and there was no stopping to it... I am a working profession with a many yrs of experience in trainings and development. Currently on a break to devote my time and attention to the priority of my life my kid and my family.

My Blog(s)

Blogs..straight From Mummy's Heart As the name suggests my blog is straight from mothers heart and of course it talks of different aspects of life as a mother.
Last Updated on: 6 Years Ago
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Mommys Day Out Parenting Blog
Last Updated on: 5 Years Ago
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