Nirwa Mehta's Bleh

I am misunderstood genius!

  • Rated1.9/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Bleh

I\'ve moved!
Hello, everyone! Thank you for taking time out of your lives to come here and read what I have to say. I never made any sense and I sti......
9 Years Ago
New beginnings
The leap of faith. When I decided I do not want to crunch numbers for the rest of my life, it was a hard decision to make. I wanted to......
9 Years Ago
My cousin's wife gave birth to a 2 month premature baby in October 2012.  When she was born, she was so tiny, she could have fit into my on......
9 Years Ago
Sometimes all you need is you!
Yesterday was March 13.  It was a Friday.  Friday, the 13th. If horror movies were to be believed they are the most terrifying days eve......
9 Years Ago
Coping up with the nightmares
So since last few months, I've been having terrifying nightmares.  Thankfully, just like my dreams, even my nightmares haven't come true. ......
9 Years Ago
A lot can happen over coffee
I love solitude.  After spending a week socialising with people, I need the weekend by myself to recuperate and rejuvenate myself to face ......
9 Years Ago