
Vinitha's Poohsden

Opinionated Mom, Environmental Engineer, Sustainability and
Climate Change Believer, Book Worm, Expat wife and Wanderer
putting thoughts to words

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

A year - pandemic mode - PoohsDen

Updated 3 Years Ago

A year on pandemic mode. It has been a long year laced with fear and a greater appreciation for science. Like most of the world, I look back into this year of social distancing and uncertainty with a grimace. The news channels remind me of the vaccines and the promise of “normalcy.” A year on, The cynic in me remains alive. I hear about variants. Masks become optional. Vaccine nay-sayers raise their voice. I retreat to the comforts and safety of my home and enjoy my privileged connected world. I whine and groan. I sigh and fret but really I don’t have reasons to complain. A year on, I admit, I like this socially distanced world. Throw in some travel from the pre-COVID era and I will be happy. I love the virtual classes and ease of wearing pjs at home. I like the deliveries and pickup options. As I mentioned earlier, I have minimal reasons to complain. A year on, I feel exhausted and concerned and scared. A year on, I have to dig deep to find motivtion and energy to keep moving.
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