Rachna Parmar's Rachna Says

This is my personal blog where I generously share my
opinions about any and all issues under the sun. I write on
a variety of issues, ranging from life, children, society,
travel, sports and so on.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 11 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Rachna Says

Mothers and Careers - Rachna Says
Mothers and Careers - Rachna Says
I am slowly heading towards an empty nest. A couple of years down the line, the younger son will also be on his way to college. Being a parent is so hard. We try to do our best. You know the toughest ...
11 Months Ago
In the Summertime - Rachna Says
In the Summertime - Rachna Says
I love summer. I hate summer. Yes, these two co-exist for me. Living in Bangalore for 2 decades now, it is pretty much rainfall throughout the year barring 3-4 months.  Starting from January when our...
1 Year Ago
It\'s Difficult - Rachna Says
I spent an absolutely horrendous day some days back watching my pet Coco, who is almost 12 years old, be really sick. While I have been a dog lover since childhood, it has been always a tough decision...
1 Year Ago
The Importance of Happiness - Rachna Says
The Importance of Happiness - Rachna Says
Is happiness a state of mind, a product of our circumstances or something we can actively strive for? Here are my thoughts on happiness....
1 Year Ago
Pet Peeves - Rachna Says
Pet Peeves - Rachna Says
This post is sharing my pet peeves about people who hate dogs and behave in an irrational manner. Musings in this new place....
1 Year Ago
How to Raise Feminist Sons
How to Raise Feminist Sons
This is not only a need but a necessity in the world today. As a mother of sons, here are some ways in which you can raise feminist sons....
5 Years Ago