Rahul Kolabhagathu

Rahul Kolabhagathu's Simply Human

Simply Human is a personal website solely owned and operated
with simplicity in thoughts and words as its motto.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Along The Road To Future

Updated 6 Years Ago

Morality is the prime principle of a human society and it is evident through the behavior of each individuals living in it. It is this sense of morality that we humans often praise as a divine attribute but in fact if examined closely morality is only the byproduct or a necessity in leading a social life and so not a unique quality only for us, it has been evolving ever since our mammalian or reptilian or even earlier ancestors found more and more about the advantages of survival in groups, however as far as we know it has not evolved in a better way in any other social beings than that in Humans.
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