Rita Thakkar's Gigi Network

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  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 14 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Gigi Network

What are some best practices for indicating breadcrumbs? (Video) - Google Webmaster Tool Tips and Tricks
What are some best practices for indicating breadcrumbs? (Video) - Google Webmaster Tool Tips and Tricks
Bauer from Hamburg, Germany asks: "Google is showing breadcrumb URLs in SERPS now. Does the kind of delimiter matter? Is there any best pra......
14 Years Ago
What\'s New in Firefox 3.6 Video - Firefox Channel
Mike Beltzner, Director of Firefox Development, gives an overview of what's new in Firefox 3.6. Download Firefox 3.6, for free, at Firefox.......
14 Years Ago
What\'s New in Firefox 3.6 Video - Firefox Channel
Mike Beltzner, Director of Firefox Development, gives an overview of what's new in Firefox 3.6. Download Firefox 3.6, for free, at Firefox.......
14 Years Ago
State of the Index 2009 (Video) - Google Webmaster Tool Tips and Tricks
State of the Index 2009 (Video) - Google Webmaster Tool Tips and Tricks
Matt Cutts talks about what Google has done for users, web developers, and webmasters in 2009. See the slides here: http://googlewebmast......
14 Years Ago
YouTube Direct: Getting Started Guide, Video - Best of Google products and services GoogleDevelopers
Jeff Posnick narrates a screencast detailing all aspects of getting started with YouTube Direct, from required downloads to configuration to......
14 Years Ago
Google Chrome Extensions: Launch Event, part 1 video -
Video Footage from the Google Chrome Extensions launch event on 12/09/09. In this part, Brian Rakowski, product management director, provide......
14 Years Ago