Samarth Shah

Samarth Shah's Food For The Complete Human Soul

This blog is about motivation and inspiration. It will help
you in your toughest situation. It is based on my
experience. It will also help you understand what is life
and how to live happy life.

  • Rated2.4/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Food For The Complete Human Soul

Different but Same
It is a beautiful Sunday Morning at Melbourne, Australia. Everyone at my house are in the weekend mood and here I am , sitting in one corner thinking about what should I write. It’s almost 3 …...
8 Years Ago
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Recently I organized guest lecture on “Industrial Design and Visual Perception” at my organization. Speaker talked about industrial design, his background in product design and the proc…...
8 Years Ago
Never Quit
It has been a while since I posted something new here. I have written couple of book reviews but that is not part of the blog post. I was busy writing technical book titled “Learning Raspberr…...
9 Years Ago
Life is a Journey
Last week one of my friend took a ride to ‘Leh’ on bike. He came back yesterday and we were talking about his experience. He told “The journey to the Leh was more exciting than th…...
10 Years Ago
What Others Will Think Of Me ?
How many times you didn’t do something that you wanted to do, thinking “What others/society will think of me?” Many of us care about what other people/society will think. I used t…...
10 Years Ago
This is your life. Make it large.
This is your life. Make it large.
I rarely watch TV but being an cricket fan, last Sunday I was watching India vs. Australia wt20. During commercial break, I saw this new ad featuring SRK in which he talks about the joy of getting …...
10 Years Ago