Sampoorna Satheesha Rappaz

Sampoorna Satheesha Rappaz's Another Voice

This blog is about a scientist who is married to a Swiss man
living in Switzerland who rediscovers her love for writing
and thus rediscovers her (an)other voice.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Another Voice

Will be back soon: Gone Lookin’
Will be back soon: Gone Lookin’
Fear is a good thing[…]fear is what drives us to take risks and extend ourselves beyond our normal limits, and any writer who feels he is standing on safe ground is unlikely to produce anything of ...
9 Years Ago
Seeing “The weight of One Self”
Seeing “The weight of One Self”
I look at my limp body in my arms and I wonder who saved whom. I can only hold the weight of my own conscience, talk the truth I know. Never a hero was made by saving himself- Completely untrue. &n…...
9 Years Ago
Respectful & Necessary: India’s Daughter
Respectful & Necessary: India’s Daughter
I am posting this on March 9, 2015. A regular Monday. Rape is not just an International Women’s Day issue. It is an everyday-of-the-year issue. Death and Birth of Nirbhaya On the night of Dec…...
9 Years Ago
On rewriting inspiration
On rewriting inspiration
 When you ask me to revise a poem you ask me to meet again the Muse who seldom responds to invitation. She comes in suddenly through the door left open, announcing Her presence with words that ha...
9 Years Ago
Enlightened by Winter’s Paradox
Enlightened by Winter’s Paradox
There is nothing more extraordinary than, when snow can make sharp the contours of the landscape by covering it smoothly, the crushing pressure accumulated by crystalline snowflakes that alone amou…...
9 Years Ago