Sharath Komarraju's The Writer's Mentor

A blog dedicated to writing and writers

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  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Writer's Mentor

A Writer’s Log - Post 7: Sticking with it
A Writer’s Log - Post 7: Sticking with it
Number of words today: 0 Number of lifetime words: 2195000 Published Volume 15 of 2002 Lesser Known Tales. Spent the day proofreading it and designing a cover for it. The book is now under review wâ€...
5 Years Ago
A Writer’s Log - Post 6: Fatigue
Number of words today: 6000 Number of lifetime words: 2195000 Two stories (1000 words) away from finishing Volume 15 of 2002 Lesser Known Tales. All going well, I should be publishing it tomorrow, â€...
5 Years Ago
A Writer’s Log - Post 5: Numbers
Number of words today: 5000 Number of lifetime words: 2189000 Good writing day, but the words took longer than they should, and consequently I am more tired than I should be. Kept interrupting myseâ€...
5 Years Ago
A Writer’s Log - Post 4: Infinity War
Writing . Number of words today: 1000 Number of lifetime words: 2184000 Was a light day writing-wise. I had to write a thousand words to stay on target with the deadline for Volume 15. After doing â€...
5 Years Ago
A Writer’s Log - Post 3: Rejection
Writing . Number of words today: 6000 Number of lifetime words: 2183000 Difficult day psychologically because it began with rejection. A publishing house that has published many of my previous noveâ...
5 Years Ago
A Writer’s Log - Post 2: The Truth of an Affirmation
Writing . Number of words today: 6000 Number of lifetime words: 2177300 Made a start on Volume 15 of 2002 Lesser Known Tales. Satisfactory day. In three two-hour sittings, managed to write twelve sâ...
5 Years Ago