Suranga Date's Strewn Ashes

Predominantly English, and some Marathi poetry. Created as
commentary on familiar blogs, events, and attitudes around

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  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Strewn Ashes

Lilly learnings   लिलाताईंची शिकवण.
Lilly learnings लिलाताईंची शिकवण.
My friend Shubhangi Joshi of Pandharpur  clearly has a green thumb , and a garden full of a huge variety of flowers, fruits  and vegetab......
6 Years Ago
My friend Arvind Khanna of New Delhi, recently posted this amazing capture of a Brahminy Kite in action. Perhaps this capture is from else......
6 Years Ago
Requiem for a fish.....
Requiem for a fish.....
She has seen more of Mumbai on her bicycle trips in one year than I have seen in all my years in the city.  It has also allowed her to pur......
6 Years Ago
Politics and the Art of Making Ladoos
Politics and the Art of Making Ladoos
Making Ladoos is all about willing ingredients and enveloping fingers and palms , that give the ingredients, reams of confidence in stay......
7 Years Ago
एका ग्रॅनीची नवी गोष्ट .....
एका ग्रॅनीची नवी गोष्ट .....
लहानपणापासून सफरचंद खात आले.  चवी माहित असायच्या , नावे नाही . मग मोठं झाल्या...
7 Years Ago
Saving us ?
We are a population that swings between two extremes.  In size, in availability of stuff, and what money can buy.  On one side there is th......
7 Years Ago