My Interests

  • I Love Those Little Brunches With My Loved Ones And Collecting The Small Colorful Teapots. I Love Browsing The Antique Shops In Small Towns And Sitting Beside A Campfire All Night Just Gossiping Whatever Comes To Mind. I Am A Very Girly Girl And A Fashion Chick Too. As I Would Die To Carry Coco Chanel,
  • I Wouldn’t Mind To Carry A Bag With No Brand. My Fashion Taste Is Very Diverse And I Would Love To Share That With All Of You.,

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Jhumki Nag

From Kolkata       |       Birthday April 19
About Me My name is Jhumki. Like every other girl my love for fashion graduated from pink to Black & White but still I won’t hesitate to pick pink or red on a daily basis. Like every other girl I feel I don’t have enough dresses in my wardrobe. Like every other girl I can spend hours trying dresses in store changing room and taking selfies with pout. Like every other girl I cry when I am sad and expect my lover to pamper me as much as he can…. I am a girl with lots of dreams.

My Blog(s)

That Neon Girl THATNEONGIRL is a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog with reviews on all beauty products, dress, makeup along with all my travel experiences and articles on varied beauty/fashion topics
Last Updated on: 7 Months Ago
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