Vijay Chidambaram's Vijay Chidambaram

Rants about life, love and technology

  • Rated2.4/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Vijay Chidambaram

The Motor
Writing after a really long time, just to get the writing going again. A really short write-up. Hope you like it! He stopped along the path to his home. He was tired. Tired of the same routine, tir…...
8 Years Ago
Jigirthanda and Steve Jobs
Jigirthanda and Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs had a particular design philosophy: a product must do one thing. An interface must do one thing. To have anything more confused the users and took the focus away from the product and ont…...
9 Years Ago
Review: The God Delusion
Review: The God Delusion
I recently started reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and penned down my thoughts when I started in a blog post. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and highly recommend it to anyone who is int…...
10 Years Ago
Reading The God Delusion
Reading The God Delusion
I’ve started reading Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. Its been highly recommended to me by a couple of friends, and frequently pops up on various answers on Quora, so I thought I woul…...
10 Years Ago
Yuganta is a commentary about the Mahabharata written by Irawati Karve. I think it is one of the best books on the subjects that I have read so far. The book is a very light and easy read, and for …...
10 Years Ago