
Indyeah's Consider It Crashed

''I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as
they tangle with human emotions.'' James Michener That is

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Consider It Crashed

For the love of reading
To be able to give your children the gift of language is something indescribable. To be able to read, write and understand. Understand all the hidden meanings that those tiny little letters contain…...
8 Years Ago
For you…
Written about 4 years back.:D Hello little one. This is supposed to be my letter to you. Your mom is in love with words and shares them with all her loved ones. (24×7 as your dad will tell you…...
9 Years Ago
She was in a hurry today. A little distracted and fidgeting with the saree folds again and again. The pleats were not coming out right. Just what was it with the saree today? Today of all days! Jus…...
9 Years Ago
Verse love:)
Verse love:)
For Meens who tagged me and  made me revisit some favourites:)   There was a time when I was about 11 or 12, when I struggled to grasp the nuances of sentences said, poems written, meanings th…...
9 Years Ago
  बोल कि लब आजाद हैं तेरे.
This is a long blog post. Too long even going  by my  track record. But this needed to be said. For sorting out my own thoughts on the matter. Jumbled as they are and yet inter connected. Because fâ...
9 Years Ago
They quote Kafka and Jung and Ghalib. And pontificate on what it means to be a ‘liberal’. Endless pontification. I know because I am one of them. On what is ‘right’ and what…...
9 Years Ago