Aradhana Jain

Aradhana Jain's Jinscribe

My blog is all about my life.Before and after I became mom.

  • Rated3.1/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

First Fathers Day Celebration | Jinscribe

Updated 5 Years Ago

First Fathers Day Celebration | Jinscribe
No matter how much your guy says that Father Day is just another hallmark day, they expect us to make it special for them. Especially when the kids are so young that they can't even wish them 'Happy Fathers day'. So when my girl was born, mother's day came first and my husband planned a perfect day for me. It was all about giving me some ME time. First I thought I can do something similar for him on Father's Day. Like he hanging out with his friends, book a movie for him or something which can give him a break from being a father. But somewhere, the wife inside me wins over the mom and I felt like I loved spending the ME time on mother's day but It will be great to spend Fathers day together as a family. After all, a father should be with his child on Father Day. With these thoughts I started planning for his First Fathers day celebration and here is how we celebrated it.
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