Jafar Rehman's Thoughts Of A Crooked Mind

As the name suggests this blog is about a lot of things but
nothing in particular.It has stories,poetry,serious issues
India faces,fiction and photography.It's like a kaleidoscope

  • Rated2.0/ 5
  • Updated 4 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Thoughts Of A Crooked Mind

Woman in the Bazaar
Woman in the Bazaar
A woman walks down the Meena Bazaar of Old Delhi. On the right, Jama Masjid which is one of the largest mosques in India. Clicked on 2nd of October 2019...
4 Years Ago
Dogs of India
Dogs of India
These guys climbed on to the second floor of what seems to be an abandoned building. Proud and happy....
4 Years Ago
Visiting friend
Visiting friend
My friend came to me the day before yesterday. He has been lurking around (at the boundaries) for quite some time. He joined me before lunch on a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was all by myself finall…...
4 Years Ago
The time in my watch is 3:20 (actually 3:21) and I haven’t had my lunch yet. On a usual day I would not delay it but today was different. As it happens I am working on a project that demands …...
4 Years Ago
34 percent
34 percent
I have had my fill. This thought ran through his mind constantly. Tapping some random keys on the laptop, he looked around and saw everyone reeked of mediocrity and sadness and lost hope. Or maybe …...
5 Years Ago
3 Windows
3 Windows
The view from the window on my right today is quite clear maybe because it rained the other day or do I give all the credit to the strong winds? Day 9-10 of Ramzan and sun is shining brightly over …...
5 Years Ago