Robb Selander's Eternal Ramblings Of A Confused Mind

These are my adventures and observations in India and life
in general. Mostly funny, sometimes not, but all true,
unless it's not. This is my life as I experience it.

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 3 Years Ago

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Dizzy Blonde
A few weeks ago, the hearing in my left ear went down by 40 decibels. Adjusting to that has been challenging, especially as life starts m......
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My Newest Adventure
I had always thought hearing loss would be a slow, gradual dialing down of the volume to an ever-increasing silence. That’s why, when I w......
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The C Word
L ast April, I was having allergy issues. I was on my way into work with a sore throat, cough and my sinuses feeling like an over-inflated ......
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The C Word
L ast April, I was having allergy issues. I was on my way into work with a sore throat, cough and my sinuses feeling like an over-inflated ......
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Vanishing Rights
So yesterday, I got into an argument with someone about what is happening with rights here in America. Gay rights, women’s rights, etc., a......
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Vanishing Rights
So yesterday, I got into an argument with someone about what is happening with rights here in America. Gay rights, women’s rights, etc., a......
6 Years Ago