Sunshinesafar's Sunshine Days

A blog about my world. I write about my funny husband, our
travels, movies, thoughts that stir my imagination, and
happening things that happen in my life!

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 13 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Sunshine Days

…of memories…
The older I get… the more I seem to want to go back to my childhood :) It just seems to me, that the more complex, the world around me gets, I start to value the simplicity that life was. Tho…...
13 Years Ago
I must have been a halogen lamp sometime back
Every body I meet, progressively tells me that my “glow”… i.e. the glow on my face has reduced.. I was told this in Delhi 1 month back by some crazy idiot of a guy… who thot…...
13 Years Ago
Musings from a far away land
So.. the entire first month of 2011 has just gone by without a post. Not such a great start to the year in terms of blogging but well, here I am, back again :) I’m currently travelling and aw…...
13 Years Ago