
Reinventing Father Of The Nation... As Father Of India | Kochipost
What Defines The Aspirational Boundaries Of The Leader Of Any Powerful Nation, Who Has Seen It All, Done Everything?  In The US, Many Presidents Who Are About To Get Through Their Second Term Have Had A Go At Turning The World On Its Head ...
Posted: 4 Years Ago
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Save The Earth
The Most Fascinating Part Of Our Thinking Is The One That Allows Us To Believe That We Have Authority Over Every Other Species On Earth....
Posted: 5 Years Ago
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A Book To Read On-the-go
A Writer Who Gets Struck By Inspiration Only At Inopportune Moments....
Posted: 6 Years Ago
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Flavours Of My Childhood Rekindled
It Has Been A Long Long Time Since I Wrote Something For Just The Sheer Joy Of Writing. Of Telling You Stories, Of Giving You A Peek Into Me......
Posted: 8 Years Ago
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Salman Rushdie On Christopher Hitchens In Vanity Fair
Http://salmanrushdie1.tumblr.com/post/15369634397/christopher-hitchens-vanity-fair-feb-2012 Some Brilliant Excerpts: "...he Had Been So......
Posted: 12 Years Ago
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